
Voting Period: 06/02/2024 - 13/02/2024 (Extended till 23/02/2024)

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Gingival Shaping with Provisional Crown on Natural Tooth | Restorative

By Paul Leung 130

1. Patient wanted to replace her two lateral incisor crowns. 2. This presentation will focus on the restoration of #1.2 only (#2.2 planned for future Implant) 3E. Free-hand Mock-up to help patient visualise proposed outcome. Wax-up completed to fabricate Acrylic Shell 3G/H. After relining, Black line = preparation margin, Red = Margin of Wax-up Flowable was added in the area between black and red line. 4. 2 Weeks after delivery of initial Provisional Crown The shape and size of the Provisional crown was modified based on Patient’s preference. Composite was added to Mesial of #1.3 to close incisal embrasure Final Impression taken 2 months later when the gingival level was deemed stable. 5MNO. Tooth Preparation before final impression. Preparation involved mostly refinement of the margins (Vertical preparation) as the tooth had previously been prepared. 5Q. Final Result of PFZ Crown 2 weeks after delivery
