
Voting Period: 06/02/2024 - 13/02/2024 (Extended till 23/02/2024)

Each person can vote THREE entries during the entire voting period,
ONE entry for each category

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Aesthetic veneers | Esthetics

By zhouyu Ding 1523

To improve the aesthetic appearance of the patient's upper anterior teeth and address the dental gap, we designed an aesthetic Digital Smile Design (DSD) treatment plan. Additionally, we recommended crown lengthening surgery and incision lengthening to enhance the overall outcome. During the process, we collaborated with our technician to create a mockup and gingival trimming guide for the patient, allowing them to adapt to the desired height and length. Following a successful crown extension surgery, we proceeded to perform tooth preparation and impression procedures. Utilizing digital methods, we shared the patient's information with the technician. Subsequently, the technician created 6 porcelain veneers, which were then bonded to the patient's teeth. Initially, a small black triangle between the central incisors remained visible after the bonding procedure. However, after 2 months, the black triangle disappeared, and the veneers exhibited stable aesthetics. Even after 2 years, the veneers were still stable


A Smile Makeover; Gingival Contouring and Direct Veneers | Esthetics

By Maxstein M. Abuzaid 2269

Nature is the ideal model to imitate, and the comprehension of what nature looks or feels like is essential in aesthetic dentistry. One of the most crucial criteria in modern dentistry is the reestablishment of a patient’s dental aesthetics. Recent advancements in the field of adhesive dentistry have broadened and changed restorative dental practice. In fact, dental resin composite veneers have developed into a solution for anterior teeth in the modern dental industry with a tendency towards minimal intervention. Direct placement of composite veneers provide greater material control, require only a small amount of tooth structure to be removed, and is easily repairable and modifiable at any point. With the aid of digital designing and planning, clinicians are able to offer beautiful smiles conservatively with minimal loss of the tooth structure. It is a challenging case, combining the functional, aesthetic, and biological considerations to satisfy the patient's need.


Dr. | Esthetics

By Stella Ngai 84

The patient is a 11-year-old schoolboy, who was teased by schoolmates because of his spaced and unpleasant shape of his anterior teeth. Considering his age and the congenital missing upper laterals, direct composite build-up was suggested to his parents and was happily accepted. The upper canines were disguised as laterals by simply addition of composite materials. The median diastema was closed by composite as well. All the direct restorations were done free-hand. The post-operative photo was taken 1 month after. Some of the luster had faded and needed further polish-up.
